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Riserva Room

Explore this curated selection of some of our finest and rarest wines, a 'virtual version' of our in-store Riserva Room!

Abruzzo (remove); 2002 (remove)
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Abruzzo (remove); 2002 (remove)
Emidio Pepe - Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2002
Emidio Pepe - Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 2002
Red Wine Biodynamic Grown Organically 

Tasting Notes: The Montepulciano is fermented for about 10-12 days and subsequently aged for 24 months in glass-lined cement, which Pepe prefers over oak. The wines are bottled with no sulfur and laid down to rest for several... Read More

Current price:  $370.00